New ChatGPT Updates From OpenAI Will Benefit Educators – Forbes

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Users of the free version of ChatGPT are in for a treat.


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The OpenAI Spring Update event marked a significant milestone in democratizing AI. Most educators I work with around the world are using the free ChatGPT, utilizing the less capable GPT-3.5 AI model.

No longer is this the case.

Free users can now access intelligence previously reserved for Plus subscribers. This could have huge implications for education, work and global entrepreneurship.

Main Announcements

The star of the event was undoubtedly the launch of GPT-4o.

OpenAI has a new flagship AI model. GPT-4o brings the power of GPT-4 to everyone. They also unveiled a new desktop app for ChatGPT with an updated interface for a more intuitive experience.

While some were expecting OpenAI to take on Google with a new search engine, the company instead chose to focus on expanding the capabilities and accessibility of its conversational AI.

GPT-4o And Its Features

Reflecting its multimodal capabilities across text, voice, and vision, the “o” in GPT-4o stands for “omni.”

Ethan Mollick, associate professor at Wharton, explained on LinkedIn that the: “Biggest actual implication of today’s OpenAI announcement is very practical: the top barrier I see when I give talks on using AI is that people don’t pay for AI to start, and they use GPT-3.5 (the free model) and are disappointed. Now everyone around the world gets GPT-4 free.”

Kunal Dalal from Orange County Department of Education in California agrees, writing on LinkedIn: “The biggest barrier to equity to using the leading AI model is now gone. This is as big as the original ChatGPT announcement in November 2022.”

Christine Stoltz, a teacher at Baar School in Germany, wrote on LinkedIn that “free access to ChatGPT-4o for all students… offers greater educational equity.”

GPT-4o boasts impressive features like native integration of text, voice, and vision for more natural interactions, real-time responsiveness and enhanced non-English language capabilities. Paid users get higher limits and early access to new features, while developers can use the API to deploy AI apps at scale.

Safety is a priority, too. Mira Murati, the chief technology officer of OpenAI, explained at the Spring Update event: “As we bring these technologies into the world, it is quite challenging to figure out how to do so in a way that is both useful and also safe. GPT-4o presents new challenges for us when it comes to safety because we are dealing with real time audio, real-time vision and our team has been hard at work figuring out how to build in mitigations against misuse.”

Live Demos And Use Cases

Live demos showcased GPT-4o’s prowess in real-time speech, visual analysis, problem-solving, code analysis and translation. The model’s emotional awareness and dynamic voice range were on full display. GPT-4o demonstrated an impressive ability to understand human nuances, respond with wit and humor and even adjust its tone and style on request.

For educators, the announcement of free access to GPTs could be a game-changer. GPTs are AI agents trained by users to perform specific tasks and previously only available to paid users. Tim Mousel, professor at Lone Star College, could not contain his excitement on LinkedIn as he wrote: “The number one new feature that has me excited the most is public access to GPTs. GPTs can now be incorporated into the classroom.”

Beyond education, GPT-4o’s natural conversational abilities and multimodal understanding could pave the way for it to become the AI assistant teachers have always wanted (or feared). With its arrival on iPhone, Android, and desktop apps, GPT-4o might bring us closer to the futuristic AI experiences depicted in movies like “Her.”


While GPT-4o is already available, the highly anticipated voice and video-based features showcased in the demos will be rolled out gradually. OpenAI plans to launch a new version of Voice Mode with GPT-4o in alpha within ChatGPT Plus in the coming weeks and support for GPT-4o’s audio and video capabilities will initially be limited to a small group of trusted partners.

The ChatGPT apps for iOS, Android and the newly announced Mac app are also seeing a staggered rollout of GPT-4o. While the Mac app is being rolled out to Plus users first, with wider availability in the coming weeks, Windows users will have to wait a bit longer, with a planned release later this year.

Implications For Education

The implications of GPT-4o for education are profound, particularly considering the polarizing topic of AI use in school assignments. Matthew Wemyss from Cambridge School of Bucharest wrote on LinkedIn: “We need to rethink what we teach and how. We should focus on the knowledge and skills that will help students get the most out of this technology.”

Emma Darcy from Denbigh High School in the UK paints a compelling picture: “If used properly, this could be what genuine inclusion looks like. A personalized tutor for every child. The ability for EAL learners to communicate seamlessly alongside their peers. The chance for visually impaired children to engage and interact with the world around them. A.I. that can recognize and adapt to emotion for those who are lonely or isolated. The implications for these new technologies are almost frightening in their sheer scope, size and scale, but you cannot afford not to engage with them – the possibilities are too profound.”

OpenAI continues to push the boundaries of learning, as educators and society scramble to keep up. The spring update event has opened the door to a new era of accessible and powerful AI tools that could transform how we teach, learn and interact with technology.

The full potential of GPT-4o remains to be seen and its complete rollout may take some time. But it’s clear that OpenAI is setting the stage for a future where AI is more integrated and accessible than ever before.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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