Vocode: Conversational AI Startup Raises $3.25 Million in Fresh Funds – Business Insider

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Conversational AI startup Vocode entered Y Combinator without a business plan. Now, it’s raised $3.25 million without a pitch deck.

Vocode cofounders Ajay Raj and Kian Hooshmand.
Bonnie Rae Mills Photography
  • San Francisco-based Vocode has raised $3.25 million in seed funding. 
  • Founded in 2023, Vocode is a Y Combinator-backed conversational AI startup. 
  • The company offers open-source products for developers to create conversational AI tools. 

Vocode, a conversational AI startup, has raised $3.25 million in seed funding.

The San Francisco-based startup has built a library of open-source LLMs for developers to create voice applications. Founded in 2023, by Ajay Raj and Kian Hooshmand, Vocode raised funding at Y Combinator without a formal pitch deck.

Vocode’s founders are friends from high school who made it into Y Combinator despite opting against pitching their original business plan. With 10 weeks until demo day, the team began interviewing teams across fintech, healthcare, and climate, searching for ideas before landing on conversational AI.

Notably, the company was behind PrankGPT, a service that allows users to input a prompt and a phone number to make prank calls.


After a run-in with the police following prank calls to 911, the founders learned a “valuable lesson not to put things online without guardrails,” Hooshmand told Business Insider in an interview.

“We found that building conversational AI is a really tough technical challenge, and there were no developer tools available. There’s a lot of expressive power in the use cases of combining language models and voice.”

Building out the relative intangibles of human-voice interaction, like tone, semantic context, and backchanneling through body language, alongside knowing when a person has finished speaking, provided a challenge. Latency has also been a major technical issue, Hooshmand added.

The company began making waves in online hacker communities before its demo day pitch session in front of investors. Around that time, Vocode began fundraising before closing the round in the weeks following the event.


Vocode’s funding comes from Y Combinator, Base10, GV, Gradient, Accel, and Liquid2. “YC is valuable in helping provide a stamp of legitimacy which attracts other investors; we were lucky enough to have a lot of inbound interest,” Hooshmand said.

The startup’s new funding will go toward hiring a team that will grow to around 10 staff as it continues to integrate with tech companies in the US.

You can see Vocode’s YC demo day slides below:

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Vocode image



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