AI – these 3 actions will dominate the market in 2024! – Cointribune EN

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Mon 26 Feb 2024 ▪
min of reading ▪ by
Eddy S.

In 2024, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Anthropic appear to have all the aces up their sleeves to become the titans of tomorrow’s financial technology. What makes the strength of these three AI stocks, and why do they represent wise choices for investors? Analysis of their winning positioning in key markets that will shape tech in 2024 and beyond.


World’s Leading High-rise Marketplace

If there is one tech stock to watch in 2024, it’s Nvidia. As a leader in graphics processing units (GPUs), the company is ideally positioned to benefit from two mega-trends: artificial intelligence and the metaverse. Its cutting-edge GPUs power increasingly computation-hungry AI models. They are also crucial for rendering the immersive worlds of the metaverse. As a result: Nvidia’s finances are registering an audacious growth and show no signs of flagging.

Microsoft: Solid Fundamentals in Finance with Cloud as the Driving Force

While Microsoft’s growth might seem less spectacular, the tech giant still has considerable assets. Its cloud division Azure is meeting with immense success, driven by massive enterprise adoption. It is poised to become the group’s primary source of revenue by 2025, overtaking the traditional Office sector.  

In terms of innovation, Microsoft is betting on the integration of conversational AI into Bing and its office tools to boost productivity. As a result, even with its 50 years of history, financial growth remains on the agenda. Most importantly, Microsoft’s extremely strong profitability ensures huge financial resources for continued strategic acquisitions. This allows for a confident outlook in the long term.

Anthropic: The Conversational AI Outsider to Watch Closely

Anthropic could be the dark horse. This startup founded by former OpenAI executives positions itself as a formidable challenger in the intelligent chatbot market with Claude, its next-generation conversational agent. Unlike ChatGPT, this technology promises more security, control, and transparency.

Of course, Anthropic does not yet have the scale of established giants. But this young shoot represents one of the most promising approaches to responsible conversational AI, with vast use cases. Its technology is already nipping at the heels of ChatGPT despite its young age. Therefore, Anthropic has the potential to become a leading voice in next-generation AI and to carve a place among the financial behemoths.

In summary, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Anthropic are three pertinent bets for the discerning tech finance investor in 2024. Their respective positions make them ideally situated to take advantage of the disruptive trends that will define the tech of tomorrow, particularly AI and the metaverse.

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Eddy S. avatar

Eddy S.

Le monde évolue et l’adaptation est la meilleure arme pour survivre dans cet univers ondoyant. Community manager crypto à la base, je m’intéresse à tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la blockchain et ses dérivés. Dans l’optique de partager mon expérience et de faire connaître un domaine qui me passionne, rien de mieux que de rédiger des articles informatifs et décontractés à la fois.


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