CallRail launches AI-powered multi-conversation insights – Martechcube

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CallRail, the AI-powered lead intelligence platform, today announced AI-driven, multi-conversation insight capabilities. This first of its kind capability takes AI generated insights to a deeper level by analyzing up to 100 customer calls and surfacing trends, opportunities, and risks over time.


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By generating insights from all calls in a campaign, automatically, this release represents an increase in efficiency for marketers, and also raises the bar for what is possible with conversational AI. Until today, conversational AI could only generate a transcript or highlights from a single conversation. This meant, at best, hours of manual analysis for marketers to identify trends and actionable intelligence from calls generated from a campaign. Even worse, they can miss key takeaways and opportunities buried in hours and hours of conversations with prospects and customers.

Through multi-conversation insights, businesses will now have visibility to the following information from a specific source over a past 7 day period:

  • 3–6 sentence summaries to give marketers a quick, accurate overview of what types of conversations a campaign is driving.
  • Average sentiments of calls in a campaign each week and identification of trends driving positive or negative customer satisfaction.
  • Commonly asked questions that will drive businesses’ SEO and keyword strategy, marketing messaging and product offerings.

Multi-conversation insights will empower businesses with the understanding of what causes confusion, excitement, or frustration so they have true voice of the customer to make data-driven business decisions. This new feature also allows for monitoring of reports so trends can be identified over time. For example, if a business is receiving frequent calls about a service they do not offer, they have the data-backed information needed to refine their marketing messaging to reach the right audience, or even update their product or service offerings to better meet customer demands.

“The scheduled multi-conversation insight reports I receive are the perfect opportunity to kick off our action plan for the week,” said Chuck Karas, President of Fresh Air Home Services. “I receive a high-level, real-time understanding of how our marketing campaigns are being perceived by our customers and can easily flag wins and areas of opportunity for my team.”

Multi-conversation insights are only possible with extremely high transcription accuracy. CallRail’s Conversation Intelligence suite is powered by a new Speech AI model, Universal, from AssemblyAI. With a continued focus on increased reliability and accuracy, Universal is trained on 12.5 million hours of multilingual speech data (including English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Dutch).

“Multi-conversation insights is a game changer for the industry,” said Sean McCrohan, vice president of technology at CallRail. “This new, super-human capability not only ensures our customers have the most comprehensive and accurate attribution data, but also the most actionable AI-generated campaign insights from their conversations.”

For more information on the goldmine of insights you can gather from customer calls, visit

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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