Hi Auto’s Voice AI Revolutionizes Drive-Thrus, Now on Microsoft Azure Marketplace – BNN Breaking

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DAYTON, Ohio – In a significant development for quick-service restaurants (QSRs) globally, Hi Auto has announced the availability of its conversational AI platform on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. This move marks a major milestone in the adoption of advanced voice AI technology in the QSR industry, offering a seamless integration for businesses aiming to enhance their drive-thru operations.


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Revolutionizing QSR Experience with Hi Auto

Hi Auto’s conversational AI platform stands out with its unique hybrid model that merges domain-specific Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) capabilities. This innovative approach, combined with strategic human oversight, ensures an accuracy rate surpassing 95%. By automating the order-taking process, this technology not only improves operational consistency but also significantly reduces labor costs and increases revenue. With its deployment, QSRs can expect an experience that rivals, and in many aspects, exceeds human performance.

Strategic Partnership with Microsoft Azure


The collaboration between Hi Auto and Microsoft Azure represents a pivotal moment in the QSR industry’s technological evolution. Roy Baharav, CEO of Hi Auto, emphasized the importance of this partnership, highlighting the ease of access and reliability that Azure provides to their customers. Jake Zborowski, General Manager of Microsoft Azure Platform at Microsoft Corp., echoed this sentiment, praising the seamless integration and global exposure the Azure Marketplace offers to partners like Hi Auto. This partnership not only signifies a leap towards more innovative cloud-based solutions for QSRs but also enhances the scalability and agility of businesses leveraging Azure’s trusted platform.

Implications for the Future of QSRs

As the demand for efficient and accurate drive-thru service continues to grow, the adoption of Hi Auto’s voice AI technology by QSRs around the globe is set to reshape the industry. This AI-driven transformation is expected to boost upselling, reduce wait times, and curtail labor costs, setting a new standard for customer service excellence in the sector. With over 400 restaurants already benefiting from Hi Auto’s technology, accounting for 70% of worldwide drive-thru voice AI deployments, the future looks promising for both QSRs and their customers.

As businesses continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age, the integration of Hi Auto’s conversational AI platform into the Microsoft Azure Marketplace offers a glimpse into the future of the QSR industry. This collaboration not only exemplifies the potential of technology to transform traditional business operations but also highlights the importance of strategic partnerships in driving innovation and customer satisfaction. With Hi Auto leading the charge, the drive-thru experience is set to become more efficient, enjoyable, and futuristic.

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