Discover the impact of multimodal AI on marketing and content strategies.

January 29, 2024

Mark McNasby of explains multimodal AI’s potential benefits and challenges in marketing, empowering businesses with increased versatility and improved user experiences.

From employees in digital workforces seeking to streamline activities to customers desiring more personalized and effective interactions with organizations, the advent of multimodal artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionary, equipping users with increased adaptability, perceptiveness, and versatility to tackle the complex challenges posed by our diverse and data-rich world. The new multimodal capabilitiesOpens a new window stand to have considerable positive impacts on workers, organizations, and the customers they serve.

Multimodal AI refers to AI systems that can comprehend and generate information in multiple modalities, encompassing various types of data or information formats such as text, images, audio, video, and more. With the overarching goal of empowering machines to understand and generate content across different modes of communication, multimodal AI mirrors humans’ natural interaction with their surroundings. This technology enables the development of systems that can understand and generate content more human-like and versatilely. 

What does this mean for businesses at large? Here are four key ways we can anticipate seeing a shift in the coming months:

For AI Models: Increased Versatility

Multimodal AI represents a significant leap forward, equipping models to process and interpret information from multiple sources simultaneously. This capability provides a more comprehensive understanding of content, leading to nuanced and contextually rich insights. 

One of the key advantages is its facilitation of cross-modal learning, which enables models to glean knowledge from one type of data, such as text, and apply that knowledge to enhance their performance with other data modalities, such as images. This cross-modal learning boosts the efficiency of AI systems and contributes to their overall effectiveness.

The versatility inherent in multimodal AI extends its applications across many industries. From healthcare to marketing, and government education, the ability to analyze and generate insights from diverse data types equips businesses with a powerful tool to address various challenges. As this technology continues to evolve, its adaptability across industries signifies a transformative potential in how businesses harness data for innovation and problem-solving.

For Businesses: Personalized and Targeted Content

The integration of multimodal AI enables companies to harness diverse data inputs, providing customers with more personalized and targeted content. This, in turn, enables teams to develop highly customized marketing strategies with customer-specific recommendations and advertisements. Businesses can create more interactive and engaging content, including interactive advertisements, immersive product experiences, and multimedia-rich educational materials. And with this comes highly comprehensive analysis and decision-making processes, ultimately contributing to a more holistic understanding of the market landscape.

Additionally, multimodal AI is pivotal in breaking language barriers in our globalized world. By processing and understanding information in various languages, businesses can effectively communicate with diverse audiences and cater to linguistic preferences. This aspect is crucial as companies strive to expand their reach and connect with a global customer base. This revolutionizes content delivery and decision-making and facilitates inclusivity and effective communication.

See More: Four Tools to Help Marketers Personalize Their Content

For Employees: Increased Productivity and Satisfaction

Businesses can leverage multimodal AI to equip their workforce with innovative tools and technologies that enhance productivity, collaboration, and job satisfaction. However, it also extends to team communication. It offers a streamlined and diversified approach by allowing users to express themselves through various modalities such as text, images, and voice, thus facilitating more nuanced and effective communication. 

But one of the most important benefits lies in its capacity to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing employees to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their roles. For example, in customer service, where inquiries may come in various forms, multimodal AI enables the automation of routine queries, allowing customer service representatives to redirect their efforts toward tackling more complex issues that demand hands-on assistance. This not only optimizes workforce utilization but also contributes to enhanced customer satisfaction. 

As businesses continue to explore the multifaceted advantages of multimodal AI, the potential for increased productivity, improved collaboration, and overall job satisfaction becomes a transformative force in shaping the modern workplace. 

For Customers: Improved User Experience, Better Accessibility.

Businesses can enhance user experiences by strategically integrating multimodal AI into their existing systems, like chatbots understanding text and images. This innovation is vital for websites, mobile apps, and virtual interfaces, making chatbots more accessible and creating exciting possibilities. Speech recognition and computer vision technologies have been in existence for years. Their newfound synergy with chatbots increases accessibility to neurodivergent communities and introduces a more compelling experience in mobile applications, akin to Siri and Albert Einstein having a baby. 

Multimodal AI’s ability to process and generate information across a range of inputs – an image, video, or text – is a significant departure from traditional AI models that predominantly rely on typed requests, a potential barrier for members of neurodivergent communities. For instance, the multimodal structure of a chatbot allows users to share an image, generate textual descriptions, or employ speech-to-text with visual context for a more comprehensive understanding of content.

New capabilities Aren’t Without Risks, But the Future Is Bright

While multimodal AI holds great promise, its development and deployment come with inherent risks and challenges that must be addressed:  

    • Privacy concerns: Protection of sensitive information must be top of mind. Privacy concerns are particularly heightened when the data used to train these models contains personally identifiable information (PII), necessitating the careful handling and protection of personal and sensitive information.
    • User manipulation and deep fakes: Image and video synthesis, in particular, raises concerns surrounding the creation of convincing deep fakes that can be used for malicious purposes. The lifelike quality of the voice features introduces fresh concerns, as bad actors could exploit voice capabilities to impersonate individuals or engage in fraudulent activities.
    • Over-Reliance on AI: The risk of becoming overly reliant on AI systems also stands, leading to a loss of critical skills or judgment. In contexts like medical diagnosis, overreliance on AI without human verification could have serious consequences. A model based on vision also brings forth additional challenges, including the occurrence of hallucinations related to people and users, depending on its understanding of images in critical fields.
    • Outages: The specter of AI outages poses significant risks to businesses, ranging from operational disruptions to financial losses, reputation damage, data security risks, and a loss of productivity. Dependence on AI systems heightens the impact of outages, necessitating careful planning and robust contingency measures.

Addressing these risks requires a holistic approach involving ethical considerations, robust technical solutions, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of multimodal AI systems throughout their lifecycle. Developers, organizations, and policymakers must work collaboratively to mitigate these potential challenges and ensure responsible AI deployment.

All that to say, the advancements in image and voice technologies in AI are one more step toward the overarching goal of achieving AGI. As these technologies evolve, the influx of new data catalyzes developers, enabling them to make incremental improvements on AI models and the associated APIs – ultimately reshaping how we interact with and harness the power of intelligent systems.

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Image Source: Shutterstock


Mark McNasby

Mark McNasby is an accomplished entrepreneur and the CEO and co-founder of, a leading provider of conversational AI solutions for higher education institutions. With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, McNasby is a respected figure in the field of AI and has played a pivotal role in shaping the conversation around the role of chatbots in education.