Stravito Launches Conversational AI Assistant – Daily Research News Online – Daily Research News Online

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Stravito Launches Conversational AI Assistant

April 16 2024


World’s Leading High-rise Marketplace

In Stockholm, enterprise insights and collaboration platform Stravito has launch Stravito Assistant, an AI-based ‘insights companion’ aiming to helps users find answers faster and ask better questions.

Stravito helps a client base focused on major global corporations to store, discover and integrate market and consumer insights. Assistant builds on initial generative AI capabilities launched last year and allowing simple questions and answers, adding a conversational approach to engaging with the technology, speeding and simplifying processes. The new system, which was developed collaboratively with the firm’s Fortune 500 clients to address and solve real-life needs, will ‘gently prompt’ users to ask follow-up and clarifying questions to help them drill deeper and find the most useful and applicable information.

Responses are ‘properly footnoted’ throughout, to help users trust answers and click through to the source material for more details. All threads are preserved in a History tab, allowing users to easily return to previous conversations / continue them if required, and Assistant can summarize key takeaways in bullet points including all cited sources, or create a presentation draft with the key pages from all cited sources for download and later collaboration. The tool draws information only from each client’s owned data, and flags up older sources, areas where sources are lacking, and those where two sources disagree.

Stravito founder and CEO Thor Olof Philogène calls Assistant ‘a product that truly supports human expertise’. He continues: ‘Early uses of generative AI for insights have shown us that getting the best results requires asking the right questions and receiving summarized answers based on contextualized, easily provable data. By making Stravito Assistant more conversational and context-aware, we’ve ensured users can easily navigate a knowledge space and reduce time-to-insight in a secure and transparent way’.

Stravito, which was recently recertified for the updated ISO/IEC 27001 standard for information security, is online at . The firm was founded in Sweden in 2017 and now also has locations in London, Amsterdam and the US.

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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